Pharmacy Liberalisation in Europe Prospects and Implications
Released on: October 11, 2008, 12:33 am
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Industry: Pharmaceuticals
Press Release Summary: Very little in the pricing environment in Europe is predictable to pharmaceutical companies and only rarely is much notice given of change. But before the end of 2009, if the European Court of Justice accepts the arguments put to it forcefully by the European Commission and by DocMorris, revolutionary reform among industrys main customer group, the community pharmacist, in several of the main countries, including 4 of the EU-5, will get the green light.
Press Release Body: The main issue to be resolved, whether national regulations on pharmacy ownership and establishment of new premises infringe EU law, is of wider importance than for the pharmacy profession alone. It amounts to a battle over control of healthcare provision between Brussels and the member states, with the outcome also of great significance to patients, wholesalers, manufacturers and payers.
Pharmacy Liberalisation in Europe: Prospects and Implications provides fully-researched, up-to-date information and interpretation on what deregulation could mean to all participants in the medicines market. Whether your interest is in marketing prescription brands, generics or OTCs, in their distribution, or in paying the bill for them, this report is for you. To be forewarned of what might happen will allow adequate preparation for it.
The report addresses:
* Background and current status of infringement actions brought by the European Commission against seven EU member states, plus the key ECJ case involving the controversial DocMorris pharmacy in the German city of Saarbrucken. * The arguments for and against reform. What might happen, who would be the winners and the losers. * Details of the current ownership structure, and ownership and establishment rules for pharmacies in countries all across Europe from Iceland to Cyprus. * Interdependency of pharmacy and wholesaling, and how this could evolve. What lessons can be found from markets that have already deregulated. * How vertical integration impacts reimbursement of multisource products and the response by payers to this. * The latest on plans to break up Apotekets pharmacy monopoly in Sweden.
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